The Board of Directors has continued with a couple of new members. There are a few Chairmen on board but there is a need for additional chairmen who love aviation and could take on the responsibilty for specfic functions in order to help create a COPPERSTATE Fly-in that is memorable.
Yes, we want to have a show. No, we do not have a time or date and we are not sure how soon that can happen.
On the good side, the COPPERSTATE Fly-in has a new President, Stephen Bass who has over 10 years working with the COPPERSTATE Fly-in in the capacity of both Vice President and then President. He worked with the show both in Casa Grande and at Falcon Field. And before that he served as a Chairman. He knows what it takes and is familiar with the details required to make all the parts work...and there are two major parts: People and Money.
As for the very near future, come back often because we will be communicating via as we move ahead. So, stay tuned and join the adventure!
By the way, you can get to this site through two different domain names. You can use or the old domain
Either one works. We did this because there was a technical issue when we decided to start over and we wanted to, as they say, cover the bases.
And the last thing is money. It takes a fair amount of funds to produce a successful show. We want to get back in the game. So this might be how you can help. If you think you might want to get involved and become a Chairman that would be wonderful. But, if you simply want to invest a few bucks because you like airplanes and other things that fly, watch for the shopping cart. We will have it up as soon as we can. So check back often. And last, if you are interested, drop Stephen a message and get on the upcoming email list. Let him know who you are, and what you might be interested in. Copperstate is really just a big family. with wings.

Here is what we know...

We have a good start to put on a successful show. After Covid, many things changed. We are in the process of not just deciding if we will do a show but to establish what that show should look like. If you have ideas, let us know. Send us your thoughts.