Get to know us

The COPPERSTATE Fly-in began over 50 years ago as an event to highlight aviation in the Southwest. It has grown over the years into one of the larger aviation events in the nation. Covid reared its ugly head and made a negative impact on many organizations and businesses with the COPPERSTATE Fly-in being one of them. The show was cancelled for a couple of years. It also has been moved several times through the years. We are in the rebuilding process and if you love aviation we would love to have you become involved.

Can you identify this engine? And, no, it did not come off the above aircraft!

Our mission

The mission of the COPPERSTATE Fly-in is really education. That comes in several functions. First, present an aviation event that promotes general aviation to the public. Second, there are forums that provide hands-on training in specific areas for builders and others with like interests. And third to provide educational opportunities for young people to continue their quest in the field of aviation through direct scholarships.
Each year we send several young people to the Airventure in Oshkosh. This is an expensive process but well worth the investment. Contact Stephen if you would like to be directly involved in this process.

Actually, this might be a little young!

The COPPERSTATE Fly-in has two levels of leadership

We have the Board of Directors and we have Chairmen. The Board of Directors deal with the direct aspects of the event, such as the legal and logistical decisions. The Chairmen are in charge of the specific areas of activity required to make our event successful. Our Board of directors also double as Chairmen. Everyone needs to roll up their sleeves and do real work. If you have the time and are interested taking on the role of a Chairman, we would love to talk to you.

Stephen Bass, President