If you want to apply for next year's Air Academy, here are the requirements and application form.
To: EAA Air Academy COPPERSTATE FLY-IN, INC. Scholarship Applicants
From: Cheri McGunagle, Scholarship Chairman
Date: October 10 2024 for EAA Air Academy in 2025
RE: Requirements for applying for the Scholarship
COPPERSTATE FLY-IN, Inc. is accepting applications for the 2025 EAA Air Academy Scholarship in Oshkosh, WI. COPPERSTSTE FLY-IN, Inc. will be sending up to three cadets to the Air Academy. To apply as a candidate for a scholarship the student must:
• Be 16-18 years of age
• Be a legal resident of Arizona
• Be a Young Eagle
• Write a Letter of Interest *
• Provide two Letters of Reference from non-family members
• Be available to travel between July 25, 2025 - August2, 2025 (for Advanced Camp)
The tuition and some travel expenses are covered by AZ EAA Chapters
Some travel funds to be covered by cadet
Provide your own personal expenses
Write a follow-up reportBe available to attend and speak about their experiences at an EAA Chapter meeting in Arizona.
*Suggested topics to include for the Letter of Interest:
Why you want to attend the EAA Air Academy?
What aviation experiences, education, or training do you have to date?
What aviation interests do you have and/or would like to gain from your EAA Air Academy experience?
What aviation related career goals do you have that could be further advanced from your experiences at the
EAA Air Academy?
The Application, Letter of Interest and Referrals (4 items) need to be mailed to me,
Postmarked between February 1-15, 2025.
The committee will review the applications and the recipients of the scholarships
will be notified by March 1, 2025.
To be considered for the EAA Air Academy scholarship, DO NOT send this paperwork to Oshkosh, WI.
Please send the information to:
Cheri McGunagle, Scholarship Chairman 3153 W. Spirit Dr. Anthem, AZ 85086
Thanks for your interest and participation in this wonderful program. It is a life changing opportunity and will forever put aviation in the participant’s life! Blue skies and soft landings!